W311M, complies with the most advanced IEEE802.11n standards, and is also compatible with
IEEE802.11 nlb/g wireless devices. lt is a Mini, delicate 11N Wireless USB network adapter with
transmission rate up to 150Mbps and is easy to carry along. The device Supports WPS encryption
method to achieve quick encryption and secure network; supports various operation systems such as
Windows 7,Vista, XP, Windows2000, MAC OS, Linux as well as WMM to previde smoother audio and video
and better compatibllity. lt has low power consumption, good signal, long transmission range, and
is regarded as a high-performance, cost-effective 11N wireless NIC.
• Supports 150Mbps receiving and transmitting rate.
• Provides USB2.0 port.
• Detects wireless network and changes transmitting rate automatically.
• Provides two working modes: lnfrastructure and Ad-Hoc.
• Supports 64/128- bit WEP and WPAIWPA2 encryption methods.
• Supports WPS encryption for easy and fast wireless encryption to secure wireless network.
• Supports WMM to better smooth your audio and video.